Standards for transcription and publication

Note: There is no English version of these standards.

Standards for transcription and publishing, 11th edition (2021.12.01)

Version with headers and pagination configured for printing both sides of the page (990 kB). With cross-references to pages and notes in the same document activated.

Criteria for the collation of the Catalan/Languedoc Vulgates (critical apparatus C, below)

Version with headers and pagination configured for printing both sides of the page 2011.09.16 (104 kB)

Version with headers and pagination configured for printing a single side of the page 2011.09.16 (104 kB)

Study by Josep Moran i Ocerinjauregui on the accentuation of the word ‘entrò’

Entrò (156 kB)

These documents are in the PDF format. To read them you must have the Adobe Reader program, which is available for free download from

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