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Volume 3
Bíblia del segle xiv: Èxode. Levític, transcription by Jaume Riera i Sans, with critical apparatuses, notes, a glossary and collation of Catalan and Languedocian Vulgates by Pere Casanellas i Bassols, and an introductory essay by Armand Puig i Tàrrech, Barcelona: Associació Bíblica de Catalunya – Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, September 2004. ISBN: 84-8415-642-7. cxl, 248, 248 pp. Price including VAT: 27 €.
This is the first published volume of the ‘Fourteenth-Century Bible’, a scheme designed to cover volumes 2–21 of the Corpus Biblicum Catalanicum. The publication of the series constituting the Fourteenth-Century Bible has begun, in this volume, with Exodus and Leviticus rather than with Genesis, since the publication of the Bible’s first book will be accompanied by a general introduction to the Fourteenth-Century Bible and will therefore come last in this series.
In this volume we find transcribed three fifteenth-century manuscripts of a fourteenth-century Catalan translation. In the left column of each left page is transcribed the text of the Vulgate (from which the Catalan version is translated), with the addition of critical notes taken from the Stuttgart Vulgate as well as a separate apparatus concerning variants in other Vulgate manuscripts. Although the translation seems to be based on the Vulgate rather than on the original Hebrew, the text reveals occasional, though frequent, influence from its Hebrew counterpart and even from the post-biblical rabbinical tradition.
The volume contains an introductory essay of forty-five pages, plenty of notes, and a glossary of sixty-two pages, which includes over one hundred words and usages not attested to elsewhere.
Joan Solà, ‘El luxós segle xiv’, Avui. Suplement ‘Cultura’, December 2nd, 2004, p. 7, and December 9th, 2004, p. 7.
Ryan Szpiech, Beloit College, The Medieval Review, An Arbor, University of Michigan University Library, Scholarly Publishing Office 2007.02.02 (full text: click here):
‘[…] Puig i Tarrech, following up on his earlier critical work on medieval Bible translations, considers not only the history of the three main manuscripts, but also the possible relationship between them, their respective use of the Latin Vulgate as a base text, the occasional influence of Hebrew, and the possible translators and revisers. He specifically notes, through abundant examples, some of the key features distinguishing these fourteenth-century Catalan Bibles, such as the literalness of the translation and, above all, the frequent doubling of one Latin term into two synonymous words in Catalan. The detail of the specific consideration of paleographical evidence as well as the transmission and provenance of each evinces a commendable scholarly rigor in keeping with the philological standards of biblical textual criticism.
‘Although Jaume Riera i Sans is responsible for the transcriptions of the texts, which are presented in parallel columns alongside the Vulgate text reproduced from the standard Vulgata Stuttgartiensis, a good portion of the detailed presentation of the text seems to have fallen to Pere Casanellas i Bassols, who provided the critical apparatus, notes and glossary to the transcriptions. The critical apparatus for both the Latin and the Catalan texts is extensive including, for the former, critical notes related to the Stuttgart Vulgate as well as a separate apparatus concerning variants in other Vulgate versions. For all three Catalan texts, Casanellas i Bassols provides both a philological apparatus containing variants and textual errors as well as notes on semantic and hermeneutic issues. The philological apparatus is thorough in every respect without being overbearing or superfluous. The apparatus supports Riera i Sans’s transcribed text, but the technical usefulness of the notes does not outweigh Casanellas i Bassols’s other critical contribution to this volume, the extensive glossary of medieval Catalan terms and usage not found in modern dictionaries, including over one hundred words and usages not attested to elsewhere. The glossary for this one volume exceeds sixty pages, and the definitions are thoroughly informed by the existing bibliography on medieval Catalan biblical texts and other similar medieval glossaries. Even though this single volume is of very limited scope and use without the rest of the projected volumes in the series, the glossary makes this volume alone an indispensable reference for studies in medieval Catalan. […]
‘Although the overall goals of the Corpus Biblicum Catalanicum project are Herculean in their scope and detail and the past history of false starts does not necessarily bode well for a full or swift completion of the project, the publication of the first volume marks an important new beginning. As the first actual fruit of this project so long in the making, the publication of this volume creates a new momentum that will hopefully lead to the successful publication of subsequent volumes both in this fourteenth-century series and in the later projected volumes. Given the thoroughness of the conception and the philological rigor of the execution, it is hard to find much fault with this project as it has been executed so far. This first published volume has set the standard very high for the other parts in the series and one hopes, albeit with a little healthy skepticism, that in the regular appearance of the other forty-one volumes over the coming decades, the inheritors of this project will continue to match the caliber of this inaugural volume.’
Joan Ferrer i Costa, ‘Una obra cabdal per a la història de la cultura catalana: el Corpus Biblicum Catalanicum’ [Review of Biblia del segle xiv: Èxode. Levític(CBCat 3)], Butlletí de l’Associació Bíblica de Catalunya (Tarragona) no. 86 (December 2004) 49–42.
Pierre-Maurice Bogaert, Revue Théologique de Louvain 36 (2005) 568–569.
Joan Ferrer i Costa, Revista de Catalunya, nova etapa, no. 205 (March 2005) 130–133.
Jordi Bruguera, Arxiu de Textos Catalans Antics (Barcelona) 23–24 (2004–2005) 573–575.
Germà Colón Domènech, Revista de Filología Española (Madrid) 85 (2005) 179-180.
Sadurní Martí, Mot So Razo (Castelló d’Empúries) 4 (2005) 98–100.
Joan Ferrer i Costa, Analecta Sacra Tarraconensia (Barcelona) 78–79 (2005–2006) 642–644.
Jordi Bruguera, Vox Romanica (Tübingen – Basel) 65 (2006) 258–261.
Josep Ribera-Florit, Estudis Romànics (Barcelona) 28 (2006) 488–491.
Curt Wittlin, Catalan Review (Washington) 20 (2006) 361–363. — Answer CBCat (Pere Casanellas)
Jean-Pierre Rothschild, Revue des Études Juives (Paris) 167 (2008) 634–635.
Alexander Fidora, Zeitschrift für Katalanistik (Freiburg im Breisgau) 21 (2008) 309–311.
‘[…] Mit dem ersten Band des Corpus Biblicum Catalanicum ist – so kann zusammenfassend konstatiert werden – ein hoher, um nicht zu sagen: der höchste wissenschaftliche Standard für dieses Projekt gesetzt, dem wir die personelle und finanzielle Kontinuität wünschen, die unabdingbar sind, um eine kulturell so bedeutende und wissenschaftlich so viel versprechende Initiative zum sicheren Erfolg zu führen.’
Miquel dels Sants Gros i Pujol, Revista Catalana de Teologia (Barcelona) 34 (2009) 305–307.
Alexander Fidora, Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie 125/1 (2009) 174–175.
Andrés Enrique-Arias, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool) 88 (2011) 608–609.
Gemma Avenoza, Revue de Linguistique Romane (Strasbourg) 73 (2009) 581–587.
Juan Carlos Bayo, Bulletin of Spanish Studies (Glasgow) 87/3 (2010) 396–397.
Volume 6
Bíblia del segle xiv: Primer i segon llibres dels Reis, transcription and glossary by Jordi Bruguera i Talleda, with notes and introductory essays by Pere Casanellas and Jordi Bruguera i Talleda, and collation of Catalan and Languedocian Vulgates by Núria Calafell i Sala, Barcelona: Associació Bíblica de Catalunya – Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, March 2011. ISBN: 978-84-9883-361-4. 589 pp. Price including VAT: 27 €.
This volume continues the edition of the Fourteeenth-Century Bible, which began with the publication of Volume 3. On the left-hand side of each even page can be found the text of the Vulgate, on which the Catalan translation is customarily based, acording to the Stuttgart critical edition, complemented by the collation of four vulgates from the Catalano-Languedocian areas. In the remaining three columns are edited the three fourteenth-century Catalan manuscripts which have preserved the text of the Books of Kings for us, together with critical apparatus and abundant annotations. In the Introduction, the reader is provided with a study of the relations between the three manuscripts, their language, the original for the translation (the Vulgate with slight Hebraic influences) and the techniques of translation. A glossary spanning thirty-seven pages reveals the importance of these texts for Catalan lexicology, as has already been seen in the case of the publication of Volume 3.
This volume may be of interest, therefore, not only to Latinists and Bible scholars interested in the history of the Vulgate, but also to scholars of European Christian and Jewish medieval culture, as well as, above all, to scholars of Catalan and Romance philology in general.
Joan Ferrer, Butlletí de l’Associació Bíblica de Catalunya no. 108 (May 2011) 48–50.
Alexander Fidora, Zeitschrift für Katalanistik (Freiburg im Breisgau) 25 (2012) 349–351.
Alexander Fidora, Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie 129 (2013) 1215–1216.
Gemma Clarissó, Mot So Razo 12 (2013) 79–80.
‘[…] Celebrem, doncs, la continuïtat d’aquesta tasca ingent i rigorosa, potser de les més ambicioses de la filologia catalana des de la Renaixença. […]’
Juan Carlos Bayo, Bulletin of Spanish Studies 89/6 (2013 1043–1044.
‘Este nuevo y sexto volumen del Corpus Biblicum Catalanicum (CBCat) prosigue, con la publicación de los libros Primero y Segundo de los Reyes, la edición de la Bíblia del segle xiv que había comenzado siete años atrás con el volumen tercero, dedicado al Éxodo y al Levítico. Ante todo, hay que constatar que mantiene el altísimo nivel establecido por su antecesor. […]
’En resumen, nos encontramos ante una obra magnífica que cumple con las elevadas expectativas que había generado la anterior entrega […].’
Antoni Ferrando Francés, Revue de Linguistique Romane 78 (2014) 227–231.
Volume 9
Bíblia del segle xiv: Primer llibre dels Paralipòmens, edition by Pere Bescós and Jaume de Puig Oliver, introductory essays, notes and glossary by Pere Casanellas and Pere Bescós, collation of Catalan and Languedocian Vulgates by Núria Calafell i Sala and Pere Bescós, edition of the prologue to the Paralipomena by Pere Bescós and Pere Casanellas, Barcelona: Associació Bíblica de Catalunya, Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, March 2021, 444 pp. Price including VAT: 27 €.
This is the fourth volume to have been published in the Corpus Biblicum Catalanicum series, within which we hope to publish critical editions of all the Catalan versions of the Bible up to the end of the nineteenth century.
This volume continues the edition of the Fourteeenth-Century Bible, which began with the publication of Volume 3. On the left-hand side of each even page can be found the text of the Vulgate, on which the Catalan translation is customarily based, acording to the Stuttgart critical edition, complemented by the collation of four vulgates from the Catalano-Languedocian areas. In the remaining four columns are edited the four fifteenth-century Catalan manuscripts which have preserved the text of the First Book of Paralipomena for us, together with critical apparatus and abundant annotations. In the Introduction, the reader is provided with a study of the relations between the four manuscripts, their language, the original for the translation (the Vulgate in the case of two manuscripts and the Hebrew text in the case of the other two) and the techniques of translation. A glossary spanning thirty-nine pages reveals the importance of these texts for Catalan lexicology, as has already been seen in the case of the previous volumes. On the website of the Corpus Biblicum Catalanicum the reader may consult the concordances and indices of complete words from the three manuscripts here edited.
This volume provides interesting innovations with respect to those of the Fourteenth-Century Bible published previously (Vols. 3 and 6). The most significant such is the fact that, whereas until now all the texts (of the three principal – Peiresc, Egerton and Colbert – manuscripts) were translations from the Latin Vulgate, in the present volume Egerton and Colbert copy a translation made directly from the Hebrew (while Peiresc continues to copy –as ever, with scant care– a translation done from the Vulgate). From information regarding the burning of bibles, as well as from inventories, it had been known that such medieval translations of the Hebrew Bible into Catalan existed, although until the present no such example had been identified, apart from in the odd collection of psalms. Published for the first time in this volume is a Catalan medieval translation of the Hebrew Bible that does not consist in psalms.
A further innovation is that this First Chronicles is not contained exclusively within the Peiresc, Egerton and Colbert manuscripts, but also in one from Seville, which comprises in addition the entire Fourth Book of Kingdoms, the Third Book of Kingdoms with the exception of the early chapters (i.e. from 3 Kgdms 5:10 to the end) and the first ten chapters of Second Chronicles (up to 2 Chr 11:1). This volume, therefore, is the first in which the Seville manuscript has been published.
Joaquim Malé i Ribera, Butlletí de l’Associació Bíblica de Catalunya núm. 137 (maig 2021) 47–58.
Josep Alanyà i Roig, Revista Catalana de Teologia 46/2 (2021) 590–593.
Valentí Serra de Manresa, Estudios Franciscanos 122 (2021) 599–600.
Joan Requesens i Piquer, Caplletra 72 (spring 2022) 301–308.
‘[…] De l’edició del text em permeto deixar escrit, de bon principi, que és modèlica. […] La imatge impresa t’és parlant només en tenir-la davant dels ulls. […] Veure i mostrar aquesta edició als de casa, a la gran llar de les llengües romàniques i a tothom és un goig. I un deute dels impagables a tots els qui el fan possible i continuen dedicant-s’hi. Sí, és un treball que s’escapa de qualsevol agraïment de paraules i medalles. És molt més. […] Breument: una edició de luxe que honora la nostra cultura. Un projecte, escrivia Joan Solà del primer volum, el núm. 3, “que hem de qualificar d’aclaparador així que obrim el llibre per qualsevol indret” (Solà 2004: 7); i davant l’edició del segon, el núm. 6, Gemma Clarissó no s’estava d’escriure que som davant d’una “tasca ingent i rigorosa, potser de les més ambicioses de la filologia catalana des de la Renaixença” (Clarissó 2013: 79), sí, sens dubte.’
Andrés Enrique Arias, Rassegna Iberistica, 45/2 (num. 117, June 2022) 193–198.
‘En conclusión, se trata de una obra muy bien planteada y llevada a cabo primorosamente que permitirá sin duda avanzar enormemente en nuestro conocimiento de aspectos relacionados con la transmisión y el uso de las traducciones bíblicas en la Edad Media hispánica.’
Albert Soler llopart, Llengua & Literatura 32 (2022) 152–154.
Volume 38
Lo Nou Testament, translation by Josep Melcior Prat [1832], transcription by Antoni Coll i Casals, with notes by Pere Casanellas i Bassols, introductory essays by Pau Alegre i Nadal, Carme Capó i Fuster, Antoni Coll i Casals and Pere Casanellas i Bassols, and a glossary by Antoni Coll i Casals and Pere Casanellas i Bassols, revised by Albert Rossich, Barcelona: Associació Bíblica de Catalunya – Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, January 2008. ISBN: 978-84-8415-948-3. cxc, 433 pp. Price including VAT: 27 €.
Josep Melcior Prat, under commission from the British and Foreign Bible Society, acted as translator for the first complete version of the New Testament to have been rendered into and printed in Catalan (in the year 1832) since the fifteenth-century Valencian Bible. The translation is striking for its having been written in regular Catalan, no less comprehensible for its being at the same time closely adapted to the original Latin.
The critical edition of this translation, which takes into account the four editions in which it was issued during the nineteenth century as well as the original manuscript, preserved in no more than fragmentary form at Cambridge, is accompanied by an abundance of notes which provide commentary upon its vocabulary whilst also putting beyond doubt the question of the sources upon which Prat based his translation. Among the appendices, a sixty-page glossary is of note, regarding which it is important to emphasise the treatment it affords of the genuine or supposed presence of elements of Castilian Spanish in the work. The three introductory studies take up a total of eighty-eight pages; the ‘Biographical sketch’ which forms the first of these three studies, constitutes the most comprehensive biography published so far with respect to this author.
Joan Solà, ‘“Lo Nou Testament” de 1832’, Avui. Suplement ‘Cultura’, May 8th, 2008, p. 6, and May 15th, 2008, p. 6.
Joan Ferrer i Costa, ‘Lo Nou Testament de Josep Melcior Prat’, Butlletí de l’Associació Bíblica de Catalunya (Tarragona) no. 99 (May 2008) 57–60.
Alexander Fidora, Zeitschrift für Katalanistik (Freiburg im Breisgau) 22 (2009) 341–343.
Miquel dels Sants Gros i Pujol, Revista Catalana de Teologia (Barcelona) 34 (2009) 305–307.
Gemma Avenoza, Revue de Linguistique Romane (Strasburg) 73 (2009) 581–587.
Alexander Fidora, Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie 126/4 (2010) 780–782.
Juan Carlos Bayo, Bulletin of Spanish Studies (Glasgow) 87/3 (2010) 396–397.
Johannes Kabatek, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool) 87/1 (2010) 119-122.
4. Bíblia del segle xiv: Nombres. Deuteronomi
5. Bíblia del segle xiv: Josuè. Jutges. Rut
7. Bíblia del segle xiv: Tercer llibre dels Reis
8. Bíblia del segle xiv: Quart llibre dels Reis
9. Bíblia del segle xiv: Primer llibre dels Paralipòmens
10. Bíblia del segle xiv: Segon llibre dels Paralipòmens. Oració de Manassès
11. Bíblia del segle xiv: Esdres i Nehemies
12. Bíblia del segle xiv: Tobies, Judit, Ester i Job
13. Bíblia del segle xiv: Salms
14. Bíblia del segle xiv: Llibres sapiencials
15. Bíblia del segle xiv: Isaïes. Jeremies. Lamentacions. Oració de Jeremies. Baruc. Epístola de Jeremies.
16. Bíblia del segle xiv: Ezequiel. Daniel.
17. Bíblia del segle xiv: Profetes menors. Macabeus
18. Bíblia del segle xiv: Evangeli de Mateu. Evangeli de Marc
19. Bíblia del segle xiv: Evangeli de Lluc. Evangeli de Joan
20. Bíblia del segle xiv: Epístoles paulines
21. Bíblia del segle xiv: Fets dels Apòstols. Epístoles catòliques. Apocalipsi
22. Bíblia del segle xv o Bíblia valenciana: Saltiri i fragments
23. Evangelis del Palau
24. Saltiris dels segles xiv-xv (1)
25. Saltiris dels segles xiv-xv (2)
26. Saltiri de Roís de Corella. Saltiri traduït de l’hebreu
30. Compendi historial de la Bíblia o «Gènesi».
33. Textos parabíblics en vers.
35. Els quatre evangelis en hebreu traduits del català.
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