
Associació Bíblica de Catalunya
Sponsor and co-editor of the CBCat. Among other publications, it publishes and distributes the Bíblia Catalana Interconfessional (‘Catalan Interconfessional Bible’) (BCI), in both digital and printed versions.

Bíblia Catalana Interconfessional, 12th edition (2008)

Biblia Medieval
Eight Spanish medieval bibles, paleographically transcribed and set out in columns. Search facility available as well as the option to view facsimile copies.

BITECA (Bibliografia de textos catalans antics)

Here you will find extensive information on the manuscripts and incunabula published by the CBCat.

Classical Text Editor
The programme CBCat uses to edit and publish the critical editions of its texts. A trial version can be downloaded for free.

Dictionary of Early Catalan Texts
The Dictionary of Early Catalan Texts (DTCA = Diccionari de Textos Catalans Antics) has been created through the digitalisation of a significant collection of medieval and Renaissance Catalan texts. The DTCA can be accessed through a search engine which provides the user with information on the following fields: headword, inflections, part of speech, morphological code, absolute frequency and context known as concordances). Starting from 2010 it will include the medieval texts published in the Corpus Biblicum Catalanicum.

CICA, Corpus Informatitzat del Català Antic

CIVAL, Corpus Informatitzat del Valencià

Diccionari català-valencià-balear

Nou Glossari General Lul·lià

Dictionnaire de l’Occitan Médiéval (DOM)

Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat
Co-editor of the CBCat.

Bible and Judaism resources
A list of more than 400 links to the most important resources on the Bible and Judaism, as well as to software that might be useful for researchers interested in the Bible and scholars of Judaism: word processors, fonts, programmes for Bible study, etc.

Catalan Unicode keyboards for Windows

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