A. The Latin Bible
1. The history of the Latin Bible in Catalan-speaking countries between the fourth and the fifteenth centuries.
B. Versions from the thirteenth to the fifteenth centuries
2-21. Fourteenth-Century Bible (manuscripts from Paris, London and Seville).
22-23. Fifteenth-Century (or Valencian) Bible. Gospels from the ‘còdex del Palau’.
24-26. Psalters from the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.
27. Biblical fragments up until the fifteenth century.
28-29. ‘Bíblia rimada’ (the Bible in rhyming couplets).
30-33. Bible stories.
34-35. The Hebrew Bible in Catalan-speaking countries.
C. Versions from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries
36-37. Translations between the sixteenth century and the Renaissance.
38-41. Translations from the Renaissance period.
42. Penitential psalms.
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